Wednesday, October 22, 2008


If McCain's mental faculties are working alright, even to some extent, he must be ruing his decision of having chosen Palin as his running mate. The reasons for this are umpteen. However, if he is not feeling angry about his decision, there could be one possible explanation - the 72 year Senator is too besotted by Palin's physical charm.

Let's face it, the Governor of Alaska is far more attractive than Cindy McCain. No wonder the hockey-mama got pregnant even at the age of 43 years. One wonders whether any naughty amorous thought ever crosses the old man's mind when he hugs his running mate. You mean, umm, somekind of a Viagra moment? Well, well.

Anyway, one thing is heartening in the current campaign - the American voters are showing far more political maturity than what they were 4 or 8 years back. The voters are able to see through the mean, falsified, twisted TV campaign the republican candidates are running.

This is evident from the opinion polls. Not only McCain is trailing Obama by double digit, Palin is faring horrendously in all categories. Her image is plummeting at an alarming rate in the minds of all rational voters of US. On top of that such news like the GOP has spent US$150,000 in accessorizing Palin is certainly not going down well with the average voter either.

Also, the independent investigation held that the Alaska Governor had misused her position in the incident popularly known as "troopergate". This clearly brings out a very disturbing aspect of her character and that is - she is a mean, vindictive, scheming person who will not hesitate to resort to any means if anybody runs foul of her.

Mind you, she is very ambitious too - politically, I mean. This makes a dangerous cocktail in terms of her personality traits. So, if per chance McCain wins, she might outshine Cheney in being one of the meanest, nastiest VP. For all you know, she might even become an extra-constitutional authority unto herself and undermine the President's office big time. This could potentially spell danger to the country itself.

And, if for some reasons the Arizona Senator becomes incapable of discharging the duties of the President, Palin will assume Presidency, and, boy, she may go berserk! On top of that her utter lack of any sensible knowledge on matters important to country will be perfect recipe for national disaster.

It seems majority of American voters realize all this and that's why opinion polls are indicating what a huge millstone has Palin become around McCain's neck. But it is also necessary that the rest of the voters also get to understand this for the sake of their own country's good. Some fanatic republicans may not like to see the reality, too bad. But as long as they remain in minority it will bode well for US.

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