Wednesday, October 8, 2008


About 63 million people watched the second presidential debate on 7th Oct. The unanimous verdict of the viewers is that Obama won hands down. A huge section of the viewers resented the way McCain went negative and offered very little in terms of originality as to what he would do if he was to tackle the current problems US is facing.

However, nobody in the media noted or talked about the manner McCain spoke. If you replay the debate tape and listen closely how McCain spoke in the microphone, you will notice that the senator from Arizona was breathing heavily while speaking. It almost suggested as if he was feeling short of breath. There was nothing of that sort though in Obama's speaking efforts.

The question is why did McCain sound as if he was running short of breath? One of the reasons could be that he was extremely nervous, and stressed. There is no doubt that the 72 year old republican candidate must have been under great stress. After all he went in to the Oct 7 debate trailing not only nationally, but also trailing in swing states' opinion polls.

McCain was forcing himself to speak in the microphone, and the deliberate effort that he was making to speak most likely caused him to breathe heavy. Look, he is quite old, has had number of ailments including skin cancer. He consumes number of medication as was indicated in the medical records that were made public only for a few hours. So, surely he is not in the most pink of health conditions however hard his camp or media would like the people to believe.

If one observes the 72 year old McCain speaking, one would notice that oftentimes he looses links in his sentences, and also looses track of what he supposed to be speaking about. This is a clear sign of cerebral ageing. His neurons have diminished, synapses weakened thereby impacting his cerebral agility. This makes him intellectually slower and more mediocre.

McCain WAS mediocre to begin with, and now his cerebral decline has compounded the situation for the worse. Not sure how many people know, this formal naval aviator was only a few rungs above the bottom in his cohort of about 600 cadets.

The senator from Arizona also appeared to be quivering a bit as he paced on the floor during the debate. This aspect seemed to be suggested from the way he was stiffening his body more than he usually does while shuffling around. As well, his face appeared blanched and eyes suggested a subliminal streak of panic and glassiness.

So, in a nutshell it seems that McCain's body language gave away what was going on inside him while he went through the motions of the debate putting forward lame arguments, drifting miles away from the questions and sounding logically incoherent most of the times.

The republican candidate is in a deep hole at the moment, with his veep candidate aggravating his problems by excelling herself in talking nonsense. McCain's chances are increasingly looking bleak.

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