Monday, March 30, 2015


The international scene is currently witnessing huge mess ups: Rise of Daesh (ISIL), Yemen mess, Iran nuclear talk circus, Ukraine imbroglio – these are some of the top ones. Then there are the next tier ones: North Korea’s threats, Af-Pak nuisance, climate change buffoonery etc.

Let’s look at the mess in Middle East, including the circus surrounding the Iran nuclear talks: If one carries out impartial root cause analysis, one finds that the mess created is largely attributable to the prevailing mediocrity/stupidity of the personnel advising President Obama and the selective incompetence of the President himself. Let’s briefly explain the above:
v  Obama is not that a fool to not realize the near bankrupt state of American economy and lack of any super-duper technologically advanced military apparatus that can provide significant edge to US over potential threats, like, Iran, North Korea etc. Coupled with this realization, his very lack of necessary personality traits and intellectual sharpness to manage international stage compel him to actively shun contentious international issues. He prefers to behave like an ostrich, like an escapist, buries his head in the sand and pretends there are no issues.
v  Obama’s so-called doctrine of ‘strategic patience and persistence’ (and ‘leading from behind’) is in fact a front for his ‘pathological chronic avoidance and escapism syndrome’ re: international issues. He lacks the swagger required to stride the international stage, lacks the shrewdness, sharpness and courage to engage in geo-political chess game and is seriously deficient in terms of diplomatic suavity.
v  His weakness/hesitancy towards international issues was quickly spotted by the Europeans who “framed’ him in “peace paradigm” by awarding the Nobel Peace Prize at the very outset of his Presidency thereby virtually castrating him of any residual testosterone for any cowboy adventurism.
v  Obama was at best a community organizer who talked his way through to White House. He is plain incompetent for the international side of things that comes with the role and responsibility of being the President of the US. He feels comfortable to deal with soft, social issues. He would probably be best suited being a President of, say, Austria or Sweden where he would just have to handle domestic issues and would not be called upon to play any significant role regarding international hot topics.
v  Again, quick to realize his shortcomings, Obama surrounded himself with advisers who are mediocre and who would pander to his weaknesses and not advise and/or pressure him to go against the grain of his personality traits.

The net result of the above has been that the US vacated the space in Middle East, which was quickly grabbed by Iran and Daesh. In Ukraine, he and his advisers implemented half-baked plans that were not well thought through and were roundly wrong footed by Putin in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

On top of the issues bedevilling BO, he also nurtures a grandiose ambition of leaving behind a legacy of successes (of his tenure). One of them is an agreement with Iran (re: its nuclear ambitions). Another is climate change, plus, others like immigration reform, gay rights and et al.

Obama seems to be so consummated by this legacy thing that he is pursuing the Iran agreement objective with a demonic fervour through his faithful but equally incompetent lackey, Kerry. Obama is not bothered about fall-outs from his psychopathic pursuit of this objective – he is very happy to screw Israel, couldn’t care less if US interests in the Middles East get trashed, is not concerned if the Middle East is unleashed with nuclear race, does not seem at all bothered with potential disastrous impacts on international sea trade routes in the Gulf region and so on.

Obama is like that milksop school boy who would pinch you from behind and giggle from distance; he is not the strong confident type who would engage in a more tough sporting activity. His this sissy type personality aspect can be discerned from how he likes to needle allies, like, Canada, Israel and lectures soft targets, like, India and so on.    

It is unfortunate that at a critical juncture such as this, the US was beset with a wimp like Obama and the world had to face the unfortunate consequences of his weakling and selective incompetence. By the time he leaves White House, he may continue to preside over many events that may come back to haunt generations.
Sadly, it is his lack of perspicacity compounded by his intellectual blindness that he is failing to notice his greatest legacy of all and be proud of it – the turnaround of the US economy from brink of disaster. This one stupendous achievement overshadows any potential non-achievement of his presidency – be it failure to reach an agreement with Iran, or, necessity to flex US military might in Middle East and/or Afghanistan-Pakistan or elsewhere to protect interests of the US and its allies. But stubborn as he is, Obama is chasing stuff that may totally cloud the great feat he so painstakingly accomplished.